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December 22, 2002 - Sunday
We all attended an open house party at Jeremy's baby-sitter's today and the boys, save Harry's fear upon entering a house with so many random and unknown people, had a fine time. Jeremy has the run of the place daily and was as comfortable as ever. Harry's been there many times too, including stopping there daily to pick Jeremy up at the end of the day. It's the third Christmas party we've brought the boys to this season and with Jeremy and Harry's recent birthdays, Harry is really starting to be a party hound, even when he doesn't know the places. He sometimes might be a little nervous at the start, but he is often talking about parties - a word that, as he speaks it, we are now usually able to distinguish from "potty," otherwise the context is rather jarring - and going to parties. At least his apparent shyness isn't overwhelming.

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