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July 14, 2004 - Wednesday
I've often idly wonder why Jeremy has never gotten as good as Harry at being picked up and carried in my arms. That is, from a very early age (less than a year, I'd say) and still today, Harry has been very good about immediately positioning his legs as he's being picked up to fit very comfortably around my torso, lifting slightly whichever leg will be in front to fit atop my arm while leaving the back leg straight down to fit flush with my side. Jeremy still just hangs there, both legs dangling.

I don't really have any real theory, another the obvious one that I carried Harry around the city a lot as a baby, but I can't help wondering whether it says something about a) how much each really wants to be held, b) self-awareness, c) priorities, or anything else.

I don't know, I think about it from time to time.

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