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September 17, 2004 - Friday
Over the last few days Jeremy has had the very annoying habit of full out bawling over the silliest little things. Something won't go his way - Harry might not share a toy, I'll tell him we have to go to the store instead of the playground or library - and you'd think a rock fell on his toe. It's not that Jeremy hasn't ever done this sort of thing before. In fact, he's always had a flair for the dramatic, but somehow this time it feels a little different and a little more forced. Maybe it's just my imagination, or perhaps some it-can't-be-my-child parental thing happening, but I can't help believing that he's picking up some new, less than ideal behaviors from his fellow preschool classmates. I know there are at least a couple girls, for example, who have serious separation issues at drop-off time and maybe Jeremy sees the crying and the apparent attention as something he ought to get a piece of. Or, maybe it's just a reprise of previous behavior set off by the new environment. Whatever it is, it's not getting him anything from me.

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