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May 25, 2005 - Wednesday
I picked out a book for Harry yesterday at the library about the fosselized T. Rex, Sue, now re-built as a life sized skeleton at the Field Museum in Chicago. Harry's never seen Sue, but his mother was in Chicago about a year ago and got him a Sue T-shirt from the Field that Harry has worn proudly many times since. He's been going through a renewed interest in dinosaurs lately, so this seemed like an interesting book, even though most of it is over his head. Last night I read the first chapter about how Susan Hendrickson went for a walk by herself at the tail end of a larger dig looking for bones and fossels. It was a good chapter for Harry because it had a little story and I think he could apprecaite the excitement of the discovery. After that we mostly looked at the pictures and it clearly made an impression because when his mother took my place he apparently kept talking all about it. Given that he already has his own "museum," his mother suggested that maybe he might be a museum curator when he grew up. He said, "no," and reminder her that he was going to be a worker-builder, but by tonight the idea seemed to take a little more of a hold. Tonight on his own he starting talking about being a worker and a "curiator."

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