April 4, 2000 - Tuesday
Over last few days
Harry has become quite vocal. That's not always a good thing - particularly
when he does his recent whining noise - but often
it's wonderful and is a noise that I could listen to for hours. Perhaps that's
just because it's a sound that says 'Harry's in a good mode' and maybe that's
all I'm hoping for as a parent, but somehow I just love the sound of his singing.
Harry has definitely found his voice again and, starting over the weekend,
often goes on talking to himself for a couple of minutes at a time.
Interestingly, Sunday we did a lot of driving again and Harry was by himself
in the back seat. I had rigged a mirror so his mother and I could keep an
eye on him and see whether he was sleeping and several times during the course
of our travels, Harry would just be looking out the window howling to himself.
Even stranger for Harry - though not particular strange for kids in general
and Harry as he asserts his independence - it seemed that whenever I would
try to answer him with a "coo" of my own, Harry's aural bonanza
would quickly turn to a whine. Whether it was an "oh yeah, I'm not happy
back here by myself" whine or a "no, I singing now, it's my turn"
whine, we have no way to know. But, it didn't take too many times for me to
just shut up and listen.
Comments, opinions?