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August 15, 2005 - Monday
I received Harry's evaluation for the Spring semester in the mail today (both of his teachers missed time this spring due to medical reasons - Miss Maria, gall bladder; Miss Angela, knee replacement - and it took them quite a bit of extra time to get these out). The evaluation is similar to his one from last fall, except for an improvement in "caring for personal needs," above average interest in books and stories, as well as above average participating in indoor and outdoor play, and a regression in terms of "participating in group activities."

I blame that last one on three things: first, he's a five year old boy who increasingly has trouble sitting still. For example, at dinner he's always squirming in his seat, some thing I distinctly remember from childhood, and is often half off and looking for excuses to get up and go get something. Second, he's had a little posse of friends at school with Rip and Connor and I seriously suspect that his above average participation in "play" but below average participation in "group activites" suggests a greater desire to keep with his friends than his class. And third, maybe he's getting a little too comfortable with the school and needs a new challenge.

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