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February 8, 2005 - Tuesday
This is Jeremy's Preschool evaluation. Unlike Harry who was pretty much middle of the road on everything, Jeremy's teachers see both a couple of things to work on and a stronger than average interest. Developmentally Jeremy is listed as very much age-appropriate, but in his learning profile they put him below his age group in terms of caring for personal needs and participating in conversation. I understand both of those. Jeremy can be very shy at times and I can easily imagine him staying pretty much by himself, answering I don't know to questions even if he knows the answers, and pretty much being bashful whenever an adult is talking to him. The "caring for his personal needs" deals directly with his accidents last fall. The teachers also listed Jeremy as "just beginning to develop (i.e., well below age-appropriate) in terms of making needs and desires known. That, I was more or less told, has everything to do with the accidents and being shy about admitting to them and that the fact that he's has had only one, maybe two accidents since that time means that his spring next evaluation for this winter/semester should show dramatic improvement.

While the Developmental Learning Profile section of the form doesn't have a column for "above average," his teachers made a point to draw an extended line outside the box to indicate Jeremy's strong interest in art. I suppose only the future will tell whether that's because he did a lot of drawing and painting at Mary's house and he was therefore just comfortable with it or that he did a lot of it at Mary and at school because he likes it.

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