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December 2, 2000 - Saturday
We went to a party tonight and it seems like old times. It was an annual Christmas party hosted by some good friends that we've been to in years past as well. We talked and hung out with the same people we've done that with many times before. Of course, this time was much different because we have a son and he was with us, but tonight he was perfectly accommodating.

The party started at 8:00, which is about the time Harry fells asleep, and with a half hour drive to get there, he was sure to have conked out long beforehand. When we arrived, we ran a sleeping Harry in through the side door and up to a future nursery for the hosts' own expected child. We set up a porta-crib and his mother clipped a baby monitor to her belt and off we went. Harry didn't wake up until we brought him back to the car, and that was just a stirring.

Interestingly, there was another little boy about a month younger than Harry who was there with his parents. He was actually awake and at the party, though he seemed be on a somewhat later schedule than Harry. I think Harry would have gotten board with all of us just standing around talking and maybe he was better off were he was for the evening. And, maybe we were, too.

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