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April 8, 2001 - Sunday
A couple of months ago, when a local department store was going out of business, we picked up the next couple of pairs of sneakers that Harry will grow into at a bargain price and earlier this week we brought the first of them out for him to wear. Now, I wouldn't have thought Harry would care all that much about his shoes, but yesterday morning when I took him out to play in the wet yard, I put on his old shoes as to not ruin the new ones in the spring puddles. Harry did not like that and kept pointing at the new shoes. Fortunately, he seemed more interested in getting outside than demanding the right shoes and I got away with it. But, we went out again in the afternoon and that time I give in. He wanted the new shoes.

This morning Harry's mother and I went out shopping for a few new toys. Harry's been quite excited about the new daycare and all the toy cars, trucks, dinosaurs, and backhoe they have there and his mother figured we'd keep him more simulated at home if we got him a few new things. So we picked up a few items including a plastic truck. While we were at the store and Harry was mostly excited to be riding around in the shopping cart, it struck me that strolling through the toy aisles will soon become a whole new adventure. How long do we have before the demands and even tantrums begin?

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