17, 2001 - Saturday
Harry had the
classic breakthrough with water tonight at dinner. Still referring to most
objects as "dat, dat," or often now "my, my," Harry began
to call for a beverage between strands of spaghetti. Since he had his sippy
cup of milk right here on his tray, I assumed he must have been calling for
his mother's glass of water, not an infrequent occurrence. So, I held both
them both up and asked which he wanted, "milk" lifting the sippy
cup, or "water," holding up the glass. Harry paused. I asked again
with the same deliberateness.
It is really so much fun to be able to see the sparks flying and know that
Harry is learning something on the spot. He got his serious look, with a little
of his father's furrowed brow, then worked his little mouth into a clear "wahdu,"
then "wah-wah," then "wah-tah" again. It was happening
right then, he was letting self-awareness slide for a moment and learning
there in front of us. Naturally, his mother and I were thrilled and told him
so. We're not sure which version (wah-wah or wahta) he was settling on, but
for tonight it hardly mattered. He'll perfect it over time. For now, Harry
was moving on to the next thing, grabbing the water glass and drinking from
it by himself. We've let him drink for our glasses before, but always holding
them for him. This time Harry was seemingly ready to go it alone. It was another
big thrill, but I still couldn't help but spot him a little bit.