20, 2001 - Saturday
Harry has recently re-entered the somewhat cute,
mostly annoying, and absolutely expected little-boy phase of banging. He did
this several months ago, but this time he's very mobile and potentially more
destructive. He uses almost any available tool (his mother and I tend to favor
the cardboard innards of vanquished rolls of paper towels over harder kitchen
implements, but the choice is rarely ours) and isn't entirely picky about
selecting a target. We try to guide him away from more fragile objects, but
sometimes it seems like there's no fighting nature.
At least his most frequent targets are those things that are most visibly
destructible, like the recently constructed Megabloks
buildings or an elaborate train circuit. It's easy to see how this destructive
phase is taking hold of him, too. He'd been talking a lot about having a tunnel
for the train tracks lately, so I recently made him one out of Megabloks.
He seemed to love it, too, but with barely a trial run with the toy train,
Harry started to bang and wreck. Naturally, the next few times we played with
the trains Harry demanded another tunnel, only to destroy it again and again
as soon as he loses the moment's interest in the trains. Of course, it has
occurred to me that Harry may just be demanding these continuous rebuilds
specifically so he can bang away