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May 18, 2004 - Tuesday
We had a thunderstorm Sunday evening and it made Jeremy a little nervous. He's at that age when loud noises tend to put him into something of a panic, even if they are from something familiar like the lawn mower. Harry went through the same thing. Since that storm, Jeremy's been asking if the thunderstorms are coming back. I don't know whether he's really concerned about them or if he's just using it as an attention grab, but for the last couple of mornings I've apparently solved his problem by taking him to the computer to check When I did that for the first time Monday morning I was quite surprised that after showing him the weather graphics for each of the next few days and reading the reports that he happily got down and went about his business, apparently comfortable with the information suggesting only a mild chance of thunderstorms. (I was also a little surprised he didn't take the opportunity to ask to watch trains, but maybe that's just an evening ritual.) We did the same thing this morning and although there was an increased chance of of thunderstorms during two of the next four days, the information, or the process of sitting with dad for a minute looking at the computer, seemed to placate any fear of storms. Either that or he was just blinded by science.

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