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December 28, 2000 - Thursday
For some weeks now, Harry has been banging his big cabbage patch head against the floor and walls. While this distresses his mother, he usually doesn't do it hard enough to hurt anything and is likely just trying to understand his place in the world, more or less. My mother says I did the same thing. A more troublesome new habit, however, is Harry lurching that big head of his backward or forward in apparent anguish. This becomes particularly awkward when he's in someone's arms and his head finds a chin or nose behind it. Harry's mother has felt the misfortune of Harry's wildly swinging head and has understandably reacted quite negatively, scolding him forcefully.

I've also been in a couple of situations when I've had to be firm with Harry - like his throwing objects in the direction of the wood stove - and it's become clear that he doesn't like us being mad at him. It's really amazing that, while there's no physical punishment, Harry nonetheless seems to feel our anger and becomes very upset himself. As his self-awareness grows, so apparently does his appreciation for his relationship to us and our disapproval is not a comfortable situation for him. We try to reassure him that we're still on his side, but I suppose it's the start of a lengthy process of walking the fine line of parental love.

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