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Jan. 19, 2000 - Wednesday
We've decided that Harry has outgrown his first clothes. His infant-size onesies now bind his diapers and give him much less room to, ah, breathe. So, at five weeks we've already started using 3-6 month and even 6-9 month size undergarments. Some of them admittedly adhere to the current bagginess trend in comtemporary fashion, although they definitely seem more comfortable than the smaller ones. It's a shame that between Harry's large birth size and prolonged dedication to his umbilical cord that his smallest onesies hardly had a chance to get used. He had some lovely colors that looked very nice on him. However, kids grow and this marks Harry's first of many outgrowing moments. Fortunately, he did regularly use his infant size suits, but he's really starting to push through the feet.

Now, do we store these clothes for later use or donate them to a worthy cause? Little neighbors for Harry get first dibs as we have no plans for intra-family playmates at this time.

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