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November 16, 2000 - Thursday
This has happened before: I've come home after a few days of business travel and Harry looks distinctly different than when I left. Of course, it's hard to know whether it's actually Harry that has changed so quickly or whether my memory is stuck on earlier mental images from a few weeks ago. I suppose in the course of living with Harry every day I may stop paying close attention to the details of his constantly changing face and don't notice the new subtleties until I've been away for a while, but there's a clear ebb and flow in his resemblance of his mother and me and right now he favors his mother.

I got Harry up this morning and right away I saw his mother peeking through the features of his little face. His eyes have always had her shape, but today I see the sides of his face from the eyes up taken the more sculpted for of her likeness. His lips, too, have the rounded shape that I've been admiring for the last 13 years. He still has my hair, but, for today at least, it's the other features that are more prominent.

Harry brought special attention to those lips, too. After I'd taken him from his crib and placed him on the changing table, he started running his fingers across his lips in the bububububububub sound. His mother tells that he started this a couple of days ago, but it was apparent his grandfather, who watched him yesterday morning, who helped him practice.

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