17, 2000 - Friday
For some time now, Harry has been
making this deep-throated, frog-like "guh"
sound. At first, I thought it was just another noise he discovered and that
it would pass. Then, we thought it might have to do with his cold and that
it was somehow a way for him to clear his throat. Perhaps, that's actually
the case: Harry's cold seems long gone, but the residue from a cold can linger,
especially in the throat, long after the achy part is gone. Yet, I'm back
to thinking that it's just a noise and, fortunately, it's not a bad noise.
It's Harry's own little calling card sound that I often hear coming down the
hall or the staircase as his mother carries him around the house. Of course,
when he's not being carried his path is laid be the thwack of his little palms
along the wood floors.