17, 2000 - Tuesday
His daycare provider
says Harry is happy again. I guess we knew that, but it's good to hear that
he's back to his old self when we're not there, too, since he still seems
to be a little clingy when I drop him off in the mornings. The daycare provider
also agrees that Harry's illness was almost certainly the reason he has been
a little higher maintenance lately.
It's possible, on the other hand, that his refreshed outlook is more the result
of better sleeping during the last two nights. I'd like to think these last
couple of nights suggest that Harry has already adjusted to our new nighttime
habits, and maybe he has to some degree, but I'm sure that we aren't through
with awkward sleep habits. Perhaps it's more likely that he's sleeping better
on a full stomach, since Harry's mother just returned to the practice of nursing
him right before we go to sleep. That's usually a couple of hours after Harry
has laid down for the night and it's actually quite fascinating. He never
really wakes up during these sessions, yet apparently eats heartily nonetheless.
And, if it gets him to sleep solidly through the rest of the night, we'll
take it.
Comments, opinions?