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October 13, 2000 - Friday
Harry is back. More than that, today he was darn right wired. I suppose it didn't really start out that way. He and I went to the park and he swung on the swing. We slid together on the big tunnel slide and he was happy and responsive, but not hyper. In fact, it was one of the most fun regular-day mornings we've spent together in a while. He did yawn a couple of times in the car before we got to the park, but didn't seem close to sleep so we went out to play. In hindsight, perhaps that should have been a clue, but I thought he'd just end up taking a morning nap at daycare.

When I went to get Harry from daycare in the afternoon I learned that not only didn't he sleep more than 10-15 minutes in the morning, but more than that, he only slept 30-35 minutes in the afternoon. The real charge was when we got home. He was all over the place including a full trip up the stairs. I've seem him try one or two before, but this time he was on a mission. I was with he all the way, but he needed no help on the way up. The way down was trickier and there was clear trepidation in his movements. I tried to show him the right method, thinking that learning a safe way when I'm there to watch is better than having him trying something new at some less supervised point, but he was clearly, and thankfully, a little nervous, though did eventually make it down the whole way. And, then he was off to the next conquest, running wild around the house. Best of all, his appetite has definitely returned.

I suppose this drive could have been the full moon or Friday the 13th, but I suspect that it's more likely a simple re-energizing after a couple of weeks of being down. However, I do wonder about his ear medication and whether there is something in that giving him a little boost.

Comments, opinions?