7, 2001 - Thursday
I opened
this puzzle last week and on the first try, Harry, with admittedly a little
help from me steering, put all the pieces back. He seemed to have little trouble
with the idea that the pieces go in specific places regardless of the 3-4
years of age recommendation on the package. After that first try, however,
he sort of took a greater interest in just playing with the animal pieces
on their own. Now this week, he has found a renew interest in the puzzle and
has all but mastered it. Sure, some of the shapes get caught half way and
that's a little hard to understand and frustrating, but he gets it and is
doing very well. 3 years my eye!
Another thing that happened this morning that I found kind of interesting
was that Harry tickled me again as he did the
other day, but then seemed to want me to tickler him in the same way.
And, as I did, I'm sure he made the same gestures that I did, but consciously
rather than reactively.