May 5, 2003 - Monday
Before Jeremy's nap yesterday, we went to a local (and recently protected for the future) farm for Farm Day. Farm Day is just a day when the farmer opens his barn up to the townspeople and lets visitors pat the cows and horses and feed them raw carrots. It's a nice chance for the kids of town (if not the adults) to see what happens on a working farm with all the cows lined up in the barn eating hay and doing the other things cows do. Neither of our two young boys was quite brave enough to feed the huge cows themselves, and in fact Jeremy looks more than a little concerned (right) that mommy is getting so close. But I suppose that's part of what farm day is all about: learning a little something about these relatively huge animals.

Interestingly, the boys seemed to be a lot more confident patting this cow who was outside and in a paddock that positioned her physically below the boys.
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