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January 5, 2004 - Monday
I don't think it's my imagination that as we have gotten closer to Harry's first day in the Pre-K room he has been increasingly apprehensive about the change. He's never gotten upset about it, but he has said a time or two, although I don't think he really meant it, that he wanted to go back to Preschool instead. This morning at breakfast his early demeanor and body language was similarly hesitant.

"Harry, are you a little nervous about going to Pre-K?" I asked.
"Yeah," he answered with a hint of that whiny I'm-going-to-be-sad voice kids make.
"Yeah, I thought you would be a little nervous. It's a little scary doing something new like this and it's perfectly normal to be a little nervous about something like this. But, it can be exciting, too."

Harry changed the subject, but from that moment on there was only visible excitement about Pre-K, at the table, in the car, at Mary's (I went there first to drop off Jeremy so I'd be able to linger a bit alone with Harry), and into the school. And, his new teachers reported that he looked into the Preschool room once while I was still there, but never went in again. In fact, a couple of his old friends came to Pre-K to visit him. I admit that it might be coincidence and that life isn't always so perfectly linear, but it sure seemed that all Harry needed was that bit of confidence, that it was normal to be nervous and excited all at the same time.

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