May 22, 2005 - Sunday
The annual traveling carnival has been in town since Thursday and Harry (Jeremy, too, but Harry in particular) has been asking about it every day as we drive by on the way to and from school. He's done that in past years, but never with thesame initiative and five-year-old savvy. Luckily for me, Thursday was music lessons, Friday T-Ball practice, and yesterday his T-Ball game, so there was really no chance to go more than today. It also worked out well because the boys mother has been gone all weekend to attend a memorial for her Aunt Bea and, as a single parent for two days, I needed entertainment options. And, as luck would have it, Sunday was half price family day. As it was I ended up spending about $30 and that was with a little break to go home and get the camera.
This helicopters-spaceship ride seemed to have been the boys' favorite, especially Jeremy's. They ended up going on it at least four or five times through the day, including a couple of times at the end after Rip had gotten there with his mother.
Although, they liked the Crazy Bus, too, that went up in the air and swung down. I was a little worried that it might be a little too much for Jeremy (maybe Harry a year ago, but he's really becoming more adventureous with age, albeit still more cautious than some of his friends and peers) and went on it with the two boys the first time. They were fine and are seen here (right) going on it again with Rip.
The biggest surprise of the day, though, was Jeremy's ability to conquer this obstacle course type attraction that included driving (he slid) into a 18-inch or so pile of plastic balls, climbing this rope ladder,
walking across this swaying bridge. then sliding down a tube slide to the bottom. Fortunately, the drizzly day kept the whole carnival rather sparsely attended, because it took him a little while to get going (I thought surely I'm be going in to help him. But, with Harry's help Jeremy did OK. And because there were so few kids, the ride attendant didn't mind Jeremy re-entering the thing several times to practice. By the end he was quite proficient and confident with all of it.
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