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November 1, 2005 - Tuesday
I took the boys to the "car store" today to give the Hybrid its first oil change and tire rotation and then out to a special dinner while mommy stayed late at work. We found a 99s restaurant where they give the kids crayons and a paper placemat/activity book to draw. Harry did the maze first, he likes mazes, but then started making patterns with his colors: red, green, blue, red, green, blue. Apparently he'd been learning about ABCABC patterns at kidnergarten. He seemed to really understand it and be proud of it so I showed him some more. I wrote ABACADAEAF and asked him what two letters would come next. It took him a little while, and a couple of hints, but he got the A and eventually the G. He was much quicker with A1B2C3D4E5 and listed the next several characters all the way to J10. Harry's in school and he's learning cool stuff.

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