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October 24, 2005 - Monday
Harry wanted to take a custom lego-multi spaceship on the bus this morning. I hemmed and hawed a bit and told him I really didn't think it was such a good idea, but he knows about the possibility of losing a piece because we've talked about it before and it's happened before. So, I ultimately left it up to him. This afternoon he got off the bus and did not come toward me for a hug (he really doesn't do that much anymore), or to throw his backpack at me to catch (I didn't let that go too many times), or just to come over to turn around and wave to some of the kids still on the bus (that does happen a lot and then we walk inside, talking about his day as we go). Instead of any of those more regular things, today Harry got off the bus, came into the driveway a little, and stopped. He had a little bit of a worried look on his face coming down the steps and he quickly said why.
"I lost a piece on the bus," he said, not in a sad way, but rather as a confession.
"Oh no, Harry," I tried to say with more condolence than accusation.
"But maybe it's stuck in the seat and I can find it tomorrow when there aren't kids on the seat," he hastened to add.
"You know, Harry, this is just why I didn't think it was a good idea for you to bring that sort of thing on the bus. Now it's gone and you might not be able to get it back, ever." Appropriate or not, I just had to say that.
"I know."

We talked about this only a little more on the way inside, then put Harry's things down and got in the car to go get Jeremy at his school. Once we were in the car I told Harry, "you know, I've very proud of you for standing up for what you did. You realized that you did something that wasn't so great, and you came right out and said it. That's just the right way to handle things like that, Harry. If you do something wrong, it's usually the best thing to just admit it and get it over with. I'm very proud of you for that. It's very responsible."

He seemed to understand that (already) and appreciate that I said it.

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