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February 18, 2006 - Saturday
After a week of watching the U.S. Women's and Men's Curling teams at dinner, the boys started playing a marble game in the living room that loosely resembles curling. At first it was a little random, and thus getting marbles all over the place, but we refined a little to have the target be the circle in the center of the living room rug.

I personally have been fascinated by the curling, and equally fascinated by NBC's commitment to showing it every single day, twice a day all this week. Even though NBC is using four different cable networks (five including the Universal HD), at two hours each match that's still a heavy programming commitment to a sport that is often the brunt of jokes and wise cracks. Yet, it's paid off. There seems to be a buzz about it in the news. My guess is that the inspiration for the coverage may well have been the handsomely blonde, Minnesotan sisters that lead the team; NBC trying to find this year's Women's soccer team or Women's Ice Hockey team phenomenon. Ironically, it's the men's team that seems to be more competitive.

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