September 29, 2006 - Friday
There was a copy of both Vincent Van Gogh's "Sunflowers" and "Starry Night" in the front of Harry's art classroom when we went last evening for the school Open House. We actually have a copy of the "Sunflowers" hanging in the "futon room" and I asked Jeremy if he recognized it. He said, "no," but when we got home I showed it to him and he seemed quite pleased. I also showed him other Van Vogh pictures on the web and we talked a little about how Van Gogh used these big, wild brush strokes. When I picked Jeremy up at school today he had this picture of firefighters at work. I asked him about it, saying that it looked different from his other firetruck pictures and that there was a lot more color and wavy lines. "It's like Vincent Van Gogh," he said smiling.
This picture on the left is more typical of Jeremy's firetruck pictures, of which we have a fair amount.
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