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Jan. 28, 2000 - Friday
Harry's having new dreams, but from what life experiences does he draw? His favorite dream, no doubt, is of his mother and it's the easiest one to pick out. His little lips move in and out in an animated puckering motion. Sometimes, if it's a particularly good dream or aggressive dream, he'll smack his lips and make gulping, gurgling, or swallowing sounds. It's the other dreams, though, that are harder to understand. Sometimes he'll whimper, whine or make long sighing sounds, seemingly bemoaning the trials of his short life. (Have we not been good to him? What does he have to worry about?) Maybe he's reliving the birth experience. Maybe he's on his stomach and can't get up. (We have be putting him on his stomach for a couple well-monitored minutes everyday to help him work on his motor skills. At first he didn't like it very much, but now he's diligently working on lifting his head and making fleeting attempts to move himself or turn over - no real progress there yet.) Sometimes he'll move his arms or his whole body, though maybe that's just his equivalent to adults rolling over. Do you think he could be having "bathroom" anxiety dreams yet if he's still in diapers?

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