June 14, 2003 - Saturday
It really didn't seem like that busy a day. Sure, we drove up to the beach
cottage again today, but it was raining much of the morning so we didn't
go to the beach. I did take Harry to see more trains
and Lisa, Ben, and Chloe arrived just before lunch. Chloe and the boys jumped
around on the sofa cushions and running about the house. Uncle Ben, Harry,
and I went to play a round of mini-golf in the afternoon and we all had a
lobster dinner. Harry liked eating the legs mostly.
But, it was still rather early for bed, at least for Harry, after the three
cousins bathed and donned pajamas and I'd kind of expected to read Harry a
story or two downstairs while Jeremy got a head start to bed. Remarkably,
it was Harry who was the first one to the stairs.
"Harry, are you tired?" I asked.
"Yes, I'm tired."
That just doesn't happen very often. Of neither Harry nor Jeremy took a very
long nap this afternoon. As we've done a couple of times before, we put them
in the same room to nap and what happens is a lot of giggling. What's more,
I think the trouble maker is Jeremy, who keeps playing
peek-a-boo and making Harry laugh. On the one hand I think it's great, even
very important, for these to brothers to fool around like that a bit and that's
way we continue to try this same room experiment (that will be how it will
have to be this summer when the rest of the rooms are full anyway, so they
need to get used to it). But, here, the train whistle blows at just before
2:30 and today that meant a nap of about 45 minutes.
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