October 17, 2006 - Tuesday
Jeremy started asking to make these invitations for his birthday last week. Actually, it was probably before that, but I always turned the question around to "well, who are you going to invite?" Of course, for Jeremy the thrill may well have been the artwork. He did most of these Sunday. His mother wrote out the names - Emily, Brock, Ally, Liam, Madeline, Gabriella, and Jordan - as well as the number five and Jeremy went to work. He didn't quite finish and actually got a bit off context on the last one he did when Harry joined him and started copying a picture of a pirate ship. I sent the materials with Jeremy to Mary's house and suggested that she, in her always positive manner, convince Jeremy to redo that one so that it would be more appropriate. There was also a bit of a mistake on the front of Gabriella's invitation and since she is Madeline's twin, I suggested Mary encourage Jeremy to do that one over, too. The results, I think, are very impressive. Press the arrow keys to navigate through all seven.