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October 29, 2003 - Wednesday
There aren't too many things that I'm going to take specific, direct credit for as a father, but maybe there are a couple. For example, I've always said Harry is so good with words because his mother so diligently read to him, often for two hours a day, during our commuting days. However, I've thought, too, that I might get credit for the expressive way he talks. That's the way I've always read to him, with every reading I've ever done for him being something of an enthusiastic performance with as much wish-I-were-an-actor as I can muster. Now, I hear the rises and falls of his lines and I think maybe that's me in there.

And, here are my two highly sophisticated boys, tipping their cereal bowls away just as Miss Manners would do. Someday, somewhere, one of them will probably be at a formal dinner somewhere and he will tip his bowl of soup away and, as has happened to me, someone will think 'I bet both his parents are well educated' and it will, in a small way, serve him well. And, that will make me happy.

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