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April 27, 2000 - Thursday
There are two distinct images I have from today. First, now that Harry is using his arms and grabbing things, it's become clear that he has taken a shine to a ball we purchased for him before he was born. It's called the "Wiggly Giggly" because it has a little rubber ducky-style noise inside that sounds whenever the ball is turned over. We actually bought it on a whim after seeing a little boy rolling one all around the store with apparent delight. The Wiggly Giggly is only slightly smaller than Harry's whole head, which means that it's the perfect size for him to hold with both arms held straight out in front of him. This morning I would hold the Wiggly Giggly in front of him and he would always take it in his two hands. His first fun with a ball. The lasting image, though, is what invariably came next: Harry hammering it into his face, vigorously trying to stuff the entire thing in his mouth.

The second image for the day is also oral, though more inspiring from a developmental point of view. Today was the first time I was home to witness Harry's attempts at eating with a spoon and with only three days experience he definitely gets it. I swear that as his mother was preparing the mix, Harry was sitting in his chair in great anticipation. I would have thought that he was just in a good mood, but like Pavlov's dogs, he was salivating and swallowing and clearly ready to eat. And when it was ready, he did marvelously. He purposely spit out none of what his mother give him, though admittedly drooled a fair amount. And, once he got going, he would lunge at the spoon, mouth agape, with the same aggressiveness with which he attacked the Wiggly Giggly, this time with more success!

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