25, 2003 - Thursday
The expressions on Harry and Jeremy's faces in the picture on the left hint
at how each approached presents this year. Harry, now four, ripped into them
with aplomb in
the way one would probably expect from a little kid. His excitement was thrilling
to watch, if somewhat chaotic. Jeremy, on the other hand, was still at last
year's pace, excited less in the opening on the presents than the presents
themselves once they were open. Each present was its own marvel and something
to be immediately tried and tested. That's not to say that
doesn't appreciate the presents anymore, because he certainly does. He's just
old enough to realize that there will be time for playing after they are all
Harry's way is a little less endearing, but, with guests coming to our house
this year, perhaps more efficient. Indeed, when we opened presents a second
time in the afternoon with cousins and
grandparents, Jeremy was in his own little world in the middle of the flurry,
slowly opening and exploring each gift long after everyone else was finished.
Harry played, too, both with his own presents and with some of Jeremy's, as
with this train. The Hungry Hungry
Hippos was for both Jeremy and Harry, although Harry seemed to take to it
more enthusiastically and aggressively. After all, it is a louder game for
a bouncing little boy.
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