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July 16, 2004 - Friday
I started another painting project with Harry this afternoon. This time it was priming Jeremy's bookshelf. Before the summer started, I'd signed Harry up for only half days on Fridays in July hoping that we'd go to the cabin at least a couple of times. We did that last weekend, but today that half day meant a little one-on-one time and that always pays dividends. The painting is a bit manic, but a little better than expected, as long as Harry doesn't notice that I'm smoothing out where he's randomly painted. His coverage is good, but the strokes would leave curious brushmarks. After painting we went outside and Harry asked that I chop some of the firewood in the driveway (from our trip to the cabin). I did and he helped, really helped, carry it to the pile in the garage. It's that one-on-one dividend.

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