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June 25, 2004 - Friday
The boys mother and I have been spending much of this week at home working on projects, one of which is re-finishing Harry's bureau from the glossy, varnished yellow it wore in my room through my entire childhood to Harry's desired "rainbow" colors. I've been wanting to do this for a while and have actually had the first drawer in the basement for quite some time, but it's been hard to find time to get it done. Specifically, it's been hard to get the initial sanding done because the boys, who always want to go in the basement when I do, don't like the noise the sander makes and I don't really want to do it in the evening after the boys have gone to bed. Harry has always, however, been very interested in helping with the painting and, after sanding during the week, today was the day we did the priming. And, it went very well. I wasn't all that nervous about Harry helping with the priming, because after all, not too much can go wrong with the first coat. But, Harry did great. He was excited and a little manic in a typical four-year-old way, but he was rarely careless and it was really a lot of fun. I used to be more worried about him helping with the finishing colors, what he really has wanted to do in the first place, but now I'm looking forward to it.

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