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March 30, 2004 - Tuesday
We've had the "Road Builders" book from the library again (the same book that helped Harry learn about construction equipment - top right), this time for Jeremy. As a matter of fact, we've had it several times for both boys and both boys have learned to identify all (for Jeremy it's almost all, so far) of the vehicles on the first page. Yet in all of the times we've had this book, none of us has ever noticed the continuity problem on the last page that shows the road builder crew in a flat bed truck hauling their bulldozer to the next construction site. I'm almost sure Jeremy has said this before, but I didn't know what he was talking about until just a couple of days ago.

"Yellow now," he would say as we turn to the last page. Actually, I hadn't recognized the words before, but I Sunday I did.
"What's yellow?" I asked.
"Bulldozer yellow now."

Through its pages, Road Builders shows a yellow excavator (they call it a power shovel, but excavator is more consistent with other books), an orange grader, a yellow cement mixer, a green paver, a red dump truck, a yellow backhoe, a yellow striper, an orange cherry-picker, a yellow roller, an orange crane, and an ORANGE bulldozer and all are consistent with that first page that shows them all at once in a yard. But, as Jeremy astutely noticed, on that last page the orange flat bed truck with the road builder crew inside is hauling a YELLOW bulldozer.

"That's right, Jeremy! It is yellow now. That's very good noticing." Heck, I'm impressed.

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