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May 31, 2004 - Monday
We've been to the Memorial Day parade at home just once, a couple of years ago. And it was certainly appropriate for Memorial Day, featuring veterans, reserve troops marching and in camouflage color vehicles, gun volley salutes, and austere ceremonies. But that sobriety was a little much for two small boys and there's really no reason to rush the inevitable boyhood fascination with guns and army men. We didn't stay away last year purposefully, but rather due to bad weather and this year we just decided to stay another day at the beach before heading home. But after eating breakfast at Jeremy's favorite, the Golden Rooster, we did end up watching the parade in Saco and it turned out to be a good choice. There was a small unit of soldiers, as well as veterans, but more upliftingly it also featured the dueling high school and middle school bands from Saco and Biddeford, as well as other bands, fire trucks, and police cars. In other words, it was much more fun for the boys. (See more pictures by Grandpa John at the parade of Mommy and the boys, Daddy and Jeremy, and all four of us).

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