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September 9, 2004 - Thursday
Jeremy's started at preschool just mornings this week and Mary's has been picking him up after lunch and taking him there for a nap. We did that for two reasons. First, Mary and I were both a little worried about throwing Jeremy so abruptly into a new routine, although that does not seem to have been a problem. Second, the school suggested that if there were still doubts of about toilet training that perhaps he could start half days and they would still hold a full day slot until he was ready. That hasn't been a problem either. It's been almost two weeks since Jeremy's had an accident of any kind and he has done just fine using the toilets at school when it's been suggested.

However, since Mary has seen Jeremy less this week, and because I've had less opportunity to update her on Jeremy's dynamic success with pooping on the toilet, she thought Jeremy was constipated again. He apparently told her he need to poop, then sat on the potty a couple of times, without much success. What she didn't know was that Jeremy has started to work it, either the praise or the fact that Mary has been giving him pieces of chocolate after his bowel movements. He wasn't constipated, he had gone already last night and again this morning. He was just trying for more (chocolate!?).

A little more surprisingly, Jeremy also told Mary, apparently quite convincingly, that he had already had a nap at school, so she did not put him to bed for his usual nap. He lied outright. He's entered a new phase of life.

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