January 16, 2006 - Monday
This morning was not the first time that Harry talked about having Hadley come over to out house to play, but I think it was the first time he said it while we were actually at home and had a chance to really make it happen. It was a lazy no-school, holiday morning and we had nothing planned. Harry asked and we said, "OK, call her." I thought it would be nice if he just called her himself without our help. And so he did. Of course, we called a few moments later when Harry wasn't listening just to confirm that Harry's parents were in on the whole thing, too, and that there would be supervision and all. Hadley was apparently quite excited about by the idea, but they would have to wait to ask her mother, who had stepped out very briefly.
They did kid things together, although Harry wanted to show her Star Wars and the "drum movie." Hadley sat through a couple pieces of the drum movie, but didn't seem particularly interested. We encouraged Harry to find things that would interest Hadley, like Spooky (above), drawing, and lunch (Hadley was very polite at the table). They also went up to Harry's bedroom for a while and I actually heard them playing "doctor" using Harry's Christmas present doctor set, although the door was wide open and there didn't seem to be anything improper going on when I (frequently) peeked around the corner from the hall. Jeremy was in there much of the time, too.
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