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May 2, 2006 - Wednesday
Harry's friend Chad came over for a play date today. Kindergartners in town had no school today, or tomorrow, on account of kindergarten screening for next year's classes. So I offered to have Chad come over for a few hours, including lunch. What occurred at lunch, no matter how gross it sounds, is something that probably every adolescent boy needs to experience first hand, either directly or visually.

Harry and Chad were having a good time and telling jokes (mostly bodily humor oriented), as boys will do, and it got so out of control, as will happen with friends having a good time, that at one point milk started coming out of Chad's nose. You know, he was trying to drink and laugh, or unsuccessfully trying to drink and not laugh, and the air thrust from the laughter pushed the milk back up whichever way it could go and the most direct path was through and out his nose. I think Harry thought it was worse than Chad did, although that's probably because it does look extremely awkward.

After that I tried to cool things down with a barrage of fact-oriented questions that would keep the boys (relatively) sedate until they'd finished eating and drinking their lunch.

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