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March 20, 2002 - Sunday
Harry was only fourteen weeks old when he was standing like this, but he weighed about 4 lbs and 25% less than Jeremy. And, Jeremy's clearly been interested in using his legs for a couple of weeks now. Whether it's exactly related or not, he's started this rather disturbing habit of trying to wiggle out of his bouncer seat and car seat (that's not a problem in the car when he's strapped in, but we have been using the car seat inside since Jeremy's weigh has started to push the limits of the bouncer seat). One very positive side to his interest in standing: holding him up so he can stand is almost a sure way to get him to stop crying, whether that's what he was after in the first place or not. Of course, it's counter productive when he's crying out of fatigue and a need for sleep, but sometimes even then it's a way to get he out of a crying because he's crying feedback loop.

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