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April 21, 2004 - Wednesday
Harry's big news when I called home this evening was, "I pooped in the potty at school." I think this is one of those things that clearly separates parents from non-parents. Any parent would understand that excitement and importance of a it at face value. Someone who's never been there might find humor in it, might have an understanding of "milestone" in the generic, but it's probably most likely to dispensed as overly, if not annoyingly, superficial. Harry telling me about that was exciting news. He's proven, by almost complete lack of toilet-related accidents that he's pretty capable of controlling his body, but we still worry about his anxiety in this regard. I'm fairly certainly that while he's been pooping in the toilet at home from more than a year that he's never felt comfortable enough to do it at school. That he was proud of doing it today shows that he recognized the anxiety for what it was and overcoming it as a step toward self-confidence.

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