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February 22, 2004 - Sunday
A"Virlic System" is, apparently, created by using random video cables that daddy happened to have left out in the living room (Harry very kindly asked first) and attaching them, in some way, to the underside of a large toy truck.

I still haven't figured out what a "Moshray" is, but I think it has to do with the cut-out handles on the sides of large shipping boxes. And, perhaps it has to do with sticking things inside those holes, or maybe, hopefully, just opening and looking in those holes, but I don't know.

The childhood imaginations are streaming.

One other tangential thing I've been noticing about language is how easy it seems to be for Harry to precisely imitate Jeremy in most tone and style. I try sometimes and the sounds don't come out quite right. Certainly this is why it's easiest to learn a second language at a young age before the mouth settles into making the sounds of just one language.

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