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October 31, 2006 - Tuesday
Harry's a follower. Back in Septmber Jeremy said he wanted to be a firefighter again this year for Halloween, as he was two years ago, probably because he'd had seen a very nice firefighter costume at the pharmacy complete with a pick ax and extinguisher. That one turned out to be too big, but we found another at Target and bought it before the end of September. We didn't worry about Jeremy changing his mind because once Jeremy sets his mind on something it's usually a pretty good bet that he'll stick with it. That's not necessarily true with Harry. He'll go back and forth as the days go by. He'll succumb to the power of suggestion or try and out think himself. But once he saw that we'd bought Jeremy that a real costume from the store I think it got the better of Harry. We tried to figure out if that's what he really wanted (he's not nearly as interested in firefighters as Jeremy, but I suppose it is one of their regular make-believe activities) and eventually got him his own costume. His costume was a little different, of course. He had a red coat and hat instead of a black one and never seemed to regret it.

We went trick-or-treating on our street as we usually do, but this Rip and Ian and their respective parents joined us as we visited with our neighbors.

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