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June 19, 2002 - Wednesday
Is it the first example of pleasure in the anguish of a sibling, Harry's big kick out of watching Jeremy wince at his vitamins? Toward the end of breakfast, harry almost invariably says something like, "Jeremy wants his vitamins." He's right and we sometimes would forget. But, Harry's motivation is questionable. The first time we gave Jeremy the very tangy, acidic eye dropper full of brown liquid, he responded with the most horrified face a baby can make. There was no screaming or crying, just an aghast look at his mother for putting such vileness in his month. It lasted for several disbelieving seconds, too, during which time his mother, Harry, and I could not keep a straight face. Poor Jeremy, his world view had been momentarily shattered and his protectors had turned on him.

That was a couple of weeks ago and Jeremy still gets a scrunched face, but we're giving him a smaller dose and he's getting accustomed to the sharpness. He's also doing much better with eating solid food, having hit stride sometime last week while I was away. I think the secret is that we started letting him feed himself Cheerios a couple of weeks ago and he gained control of his own eating. A similar thing happened with Harry at about this age, although Harry started off liking solid food and then moved away from it until he got his independence.

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