October 28, 2004 - Thursday
I was just thinking that it's been a month since Jeremy's
school called to suggest that he wear pull-ups to school and a month since
he had an accident there, a month of proof that their suggestion was inappropriate.
Truth be told, Jeremy did have a couple of accidents recently, one at home
and one over the weekend at the cousins' house, but he's done very well at
school and better than some other kids there. Today he was not so fortunate,
or not so attentive to his body, or just wanting to keep playing in the sand
I do suspect this is as hard as him as it is on me. I'm sure it's humiliating
to stand in the tub while I clean his backside. But, he's not even three and
he's in underpants and doing well most of the time. That's pretty impressive
and I finally made sure to tell him that at bedtime. I think he understood.
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