May 22, 2006 - Monday
This is literally the shortest Harry's hair has ever been in his entire life. He was born with more hair than this. But his mop top, little boy hair style seemed hasn't looked so good lately and he seemed to like the idea of getting it cut short (like his friend Chad). Of course, Harry started second guessing himself when I asked if he was sure, but once we got to Mary's for the haircut he went along with the idea, if made rather oblivious to the whole thing by a cartoon on her TV. I thought Mary and I had agreed before she started that it would not be a "buzz cut," but all of a sudden she had the shears and a big strip of hair was gone from the side of his head. There was no turning back. I actually like it quite a bit and it will give him a way to see how it grows out.
Harry, Jeremy, and I all went to the former "church tower" (now a new plastic one) playground after the haircut and on the way we casually talked about other of Harry's friends with similar haircuts, including Chad, Dylan, Conner, and Ian. But that only partially explains Jeremy's remarkable 4-year-old bit of bait and switch humor when we got back in the car to come home about a hour later.
"Did we pick up Ian at the
playground?" he said without a hint of affectation.
"What did you say Jeremy?" I asked.
"Did we pick up Ian at the playground?"
"Did we pick up what?"
"Did we pick up Ian at the playground?" he said again it a steady tone.
"Ian? What are you talking about, Jeremy?"
"Did we pick up Ian at the playground?" he said once more, playing his own straight man.
"Jeremy, what are you talking about." I said in a slightly exasperated way.
"This boy," he said, clearly refering to Harry sitting next to him, "doesn't look like Harry."
tried to be cool and coy as always, but couldn't help grinning a little.
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