May 26, 2006 - Friday
Harry's elementary school held its annual Memorial Day tribute concert today. That's has kindergarten section in the middle of the pictures with what appear to be white hats on their heads. It was a bit surprising to me that there was no publicity sent home about this and the only reason I found out is because Harry said something about it this morning. When I called the school I was told that parents are welcome, but that the school doesn't promote it because the auditorium/cafeteriais just too small. And you can see the room is absolutely packed. I was actually standing outside most of the time since there are several sets of double doors that open. Each grade sang a little song and some kids read things and it was a charming little event.
I hadn't told Harry that I would come because this morning I didn't know anything about it. But I told him I'd call the school and come if I could. Not surprisingly, he was very happy to see his dad. Somewhat bizarrely, Harry wasn't really allowed to stop and talk to me as they marched the kids back to their respective classrooms. Nobody said anything to me about it to let me know that, but Harry just kind of marched right by, smiling and happy, but clearly understanding that he wasn't supposed to get out of the line, even to say high to his dad. I guess it's clearly all about safety, and keeping things moving, but somehow a little leeway seems in order.
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