October 25, 2006 - Wednesday
Jeremy has continued to "compose his music." In fact, on Monday afternoon I took him and Harry to a music store (the place where we got his cello) and got him the "I Can Read Music - Cello" book his teacher, Tim, suggested and a book of large-lined staff paper for him to use to write his music without having to draw the lines himself. Very surprisingly, Harry did not ask to have his own book of staff paper. Harry usually latches on to any hint of buying things. Perhaps it's just because he had found an egg-shaped rattler-percussion noise maker and was holding out for that. Harry did write a new "beat" (measure-long rhythm) for his teacher, Abe, to play at his next lesson, but he has shown less interest in "composing" than his brother. Instead, while Jeremy composed on his new staff paper, Harry wrote these numbers from 1-100. Last week one day when he showed me some math problems from his day at school I asked him whether he liked math or reading and spelling better. He said math, and after very little hesitation. Perhaps that's not too surprising given I would have likely answered the same way at that age. But his mother won't have and Harry is far better at reading than I was at that age. I think he's one of the best readers in his class, although I don't really know, and I might have thought that his success with words and reading might have had him leaning the other way.
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