September 7, 2002 - Saturday
Jeremy likes reading stories now. It's been a week or two and he's definitely
turned from grabbing and trying to eat books to smiling and sitting and looking
at the pages. Harry was always more patient and/or interested in books and
would sit through the same story a couple of times in a row. Jeremy usually
lasts through a story and a half tops, but that's OK. Like Harry, it's Byron
Barton and Men at Work that seems to be Jeremy's early favorite, along with
Barton's Trains and Planes. Interestingly, Harry is drawn to these books,
too, even though they're really below him now. Sometimes while I'm reading
to Jeremy, Harry will call the next line out from across the room. Harry even
likes to joke about how Trains and Planes are the same story, calling the
appropriate line from the other book.
Comments, Opinions?